Invasive Emotions

Invasive Emotions and Feelings

Invasive emotions and feelings are lower-minded subcortical storyless processes. The highly uncomfortable feelings you’re experiencing are not generated in the cortical executive part of the brain. Invasive Emotions and FeelingsBut the left hemisphere cortex generates stories to give context to these emotions and feelings. The stories are not necessarily related to emotions and feelings. But the stories become ruminations that generate feelings and emotions. So it is the proverbial vicious cycle.

Even though cognitive issues are important to deal with, primary-process emotions have to be dealt with on their own terms. Thoughts are not as strong as affects, which is why cognitive therapeutic interpretations often do not work well with serious psychopathologies. Cognitive therapy is rendered ineffective in the face of dominant primal passions.

I started out from the get-go, abused, hopeless, barrel-bottom. I’ve changed my life around over the latter years of my life. I’ve been documenting what helped in my blogs and books. I want to help others change. I know they can do it. But most are attracted to Attention Therapies as a quick fix. They read what I have to say, then move on. Nothing has changed. It is truly frustrating for me. But it recalls a simple proverb: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

The people who research and read self-help books are mostly at least above average intelligence. I recall the comment made to my wife by my aikido sensei in Japan after reading my book, Scripting the “Mind with Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy” (in Japanese) It doesn’t work. He read the book through and it doesn’t work.

Attention Therapies

Reading a self-help book on Attention Therapies does nothing. Knowing about how to do something is quite different from doing it: taking it and applying it to your life. It is like reinvesting dividends. You reinvest when the stock is up or down. It is compounded interest. You don’t see a difference until after a period of time. But just reading a book on finance that describes this process does nothing for you.  Most people will not take the step of checking off a box on a form that will start the dividend reinvestment process. You can’t decide on whether dividend reinvestment works without taking this step.

Ki Breathing Meditation, Cognitive Therapy (CT), Open Focus, Metacognitive Therapy (MCT), and Attention Therapy are all effective self-therapies. You can believe and have faith in them by understanding how they work. Find a balance of therapies that work for you. Include the body as a process. Somatics, yoga, jogging, swimming, resistance exercises, whatever balance of therapies that work for you.

Ki Breathing Meditation

This for me is the most effective both short-term and long-term Attention Therapy. You can start on it right now and experience immediate benefits. Then I encourage you to practice once a day, even for a minute or two.

Begin now with a video I prepared for you. I guarantee results. What more can you ask for to get you started?

<h2>Self-help books that help:</h2>

Self-help books that help:

Total Self-Renewal through Attention Therapies and Open Focus

The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body

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