Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen Therapy


Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

A two-year-old girl drowning victim in cardiac arrest was revived at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. She had no speech, gait, or responsiveness to commands. Just constant squirming and head shaking. Fifty-five days post-drowning, she received 100% normobaric (barometer at sea level) oxygen therapy for 45 minutes twice a day. She became more alert, awake, and stopped squirming.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Seventy-eight days post-drowning she received hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for 45 minutes a day, five days a week for 40 sessions. Her speech became normal with near-normal motor function and normal cognition. Twenty-seven days following HBOT and 162-day post-drowning MRI showed a near-complete reversal of cortical and white matter atrophy. Her brain had been restored to normal.

Another study showed significant neurological improvements in post-stroke patients when treated with HBOT even at chronic late stages.

Healing many areas of the body cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue.  llnesses and injuries linger at the cellular or tissue level.  In many cases, adequate oxygen cannot reach the damaged area and the body’s natural healing ability is unable to function properly.  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides this extra oxygen naturally and with minimal side effects.

Healing at the Cellular Level

Lung capacity is between three and four thousand cubic centimeters, but in ordinary breathing, we inhale only about five hundred to seven hundred cubic centimeters of air. With this small fraction of capacity being used, food is not completely burned into energy and wastes are not removed.

Most of us do not have access to HBOT and fortunately, most of us do not need it. We can oxygenate damaged cellular areas with proper breathing. Proper deep abdominal breathing comes naturally. Tiny babies breathe with their entire body. But most adults do not. They end up with unnecessary disease and surgery.

If the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place completely both in the lungs and organs, the vitality of our body increases. We gain a strong body which refuses to accept disease. And even if we do become ill, we have the strength and life energy to recover quickly. Correct breathing is a source of energy-full life.

Self-help books that help:

Total Self-Renewal through Attention Therapies and Open Focus

The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body

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