Rational-Emotive Self-Talk (REST) Insight Script No. 1
“I largely choose to disturb myself about the upsetting events of my life. I know now that I mainly feel the way I think.
When obnoxious and frustrating things happen to me at point A (Activating Events), I consciously or unconsciously select rational Beliefs (rBs) that lead me to feel sad and regretful and I also select irrational Beliefs (iB’s) that lead me to feel anxious, depressed and self-hating.
“But I will actively Dispute these irrational Beliefs (iB’s) until they lose hold. And from now I rescript with Rational-Emotive Self-Talk (REST).”
Attention Training Therapy
Attention training therapy (ATT) is a part of metacognitive therapy (MCT) developed by Adrian Wells, professor of clinical psychology, University of Manchester. The therapist tells the client that their disorder is maintained by dwelling on symptoms and other negative aspects of their lives.
They are advised as part of the Attention Training Therapy to let go of their focus on symptoms and traumas. When symptoms and traumas arise during the ATT, they are to consider these symptoms and traumas as just another background noise and not to give them undo attention and become distracted.
But is Professor Wells walking the talk. I suspected he has been distracted and focusing on me. I covered Google’s page number one in a search for Attention Therapy and Attention Therapies. But for an unknown reason all of my number one hits disappeared from Google – completely! Where did they disappear to?
I could not do anything for fear of being suspect of paranoia. I discussed this with my wife Hitomi, but I did not get an agreeable response. So I just kept quiet and went on with my life work – with or without Google rankings. Even though this affected my book sales. I focused on two of my REST Scripts:
Until two days ago when I got a notice from You Tube. My Attention Training Video with thousands of views was taken down with the message:
Video Takedown!
“Attention Training Therapy is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Prof. Adrian Wells.”
Walk My Talk
I never plagiarized or took credit for Professor Wells’ work. Below is my video I copied and pasted from my blog post where my video resides that Professor Wells had taken down. If Professor Wells even looked at the video, he would have seen it is my own and my wife’s work. I produced the video completely on my own. It is entirely my work from start to completion. The text and voice overs are mine. Nothing is plagiarized. Photos and sounds that my wife and I did not take are in public domain.
YouTube warns if I attempt to counter this, I may end up with a suit by Professor Wells. I cannot afford to hire a lawyer, even though I am sure I am in the right. If you do not have a good legal defense, being confident you are right is not enough.
I will walk my talk with my REST Scripts. I will share this with you in future posts. We will both gain from this setback.
My goal is to help others. I will focus even more on my blogs and writing. I will use this experience to grow!
I hope you will view my video (Click on black rectangle & view on Flicker) and decide for yourself if this is plagiarized. And I hope you might comment in some way.
Self-help books that help:
Total Self-Renewal through Attention Therapies and Open Focus
The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body
I am not familiar with Dr. Wells’ work but I fail to see how it can be considered plagiarism when it is a pretty general concept. It isn’t as though he invented it or the ways to manage negative internal dialogue or unpleasant memories. We are all capable of coming to the same conclusions, entirely independently of each other. Its just a matter of using our own unique voices to try to get through to “our” tribe…the ones who our personal way of communicating connect with the most. Keep up the good work.
Thanks very much AnnaLisa. You have summed this up perfectly. That is what was in my head, but I was not able to get out with words. He is shooting himself in the foot, because I am publishing so much on Attention Therapies that he is benefiting from it. And I was hoping for just that. He let Youtube put the video back up when I discovered he took it down. But there are multiple takedowns of my blogs on Google that I have yet to track down.